Comprehensive Family Support Services
CFSS is the foundation of what we do here at FRC. Learn more below…
What is CFSS?
The Comprehensive Program (CFSS) provides home visiting services where the Family Support Specialist works with the family to remove barriers parents can be faced with in order to promote family strength and unity. It is a voluntary program made for parents/caregivers that truly want what’s best for their child(ren).
Who is this program for?
Everyone! Parenting is tough!
We can all use additional help from time to time and We want to support any parent or caregiver that is looking for that extra support they can’t find elsewhere. This means from pregnancy until or up to a child’s 21st birthday your family is able to receive our help.
Because this program is made for all families, it can accommodate different family obstacles. This can vary from parents looking for parenting tips to families that need anywhere from quick to long-term support.

“It’s never work to the FRC staff they clearly love what they do! If you’re ever feeling overwhelmed in life, all you have to do is reach out.”
What does being part of the program look like?
It’s individualized – so it’s based on what YOU and YOUR family want. Being a part of this program could mean you meet with a team member once a week or in your home (or if you prefer in one of our offices or at the park – again, it’s up to you!). You get one-on-one support while having access to a long list of our community resources.
Our resources are truly on a case-by-case basis which means, we are prepared to utilize any and all resources we have on hand.
This could be, but is not limited to:
- Emotional learning
- Getting you connected with therapy or counseling
- Preventative childcare scholarships
- Flex funds (help with rent, gas, clothing, utilities, food, etc.)
- Transportation assistance
- Seeking access to recovery
- Tutoring
- Social groups (Parenting Education, Anger Management, Life Skills,
Budgeting, Dads Support, and many more!) - Parenting resources (Growing Great Kids Curriculum, Co-Parenting Support, Positive Solutions, Nutrition, Early Childhood Development, and so much more!)

How do I get started?
The first step is to fill out the form below with your information and the best way to contact you. One of our family support specialists will follow up and we can start from there.
How else can we help?
If there is support you need that we don’t currently offer, we will try our best to come up with a solution that is best for you. We know parenting is hard. That’s why we want to provide as much support as we can to ensure you are set up for success.