CBVS Program
At The Family Resource Center, we celebrate all families.
Every family is unique.
We empower and support all families that are in need of our help. Our services are truly individualized for each and every family. Every family is their own best expert on their family. We need to hear from you, what will work best for your family and what won’t work best. Truly a case-by-case basis!
We are not DCYF!
The Community Based Voluntary Services (CBVS) program was created to intervene before the state or DCYF has to take serious measures. Our goal is to help you and your family when you need help the most so DCYF does not have to.
What is the CBVS Program?
The Family Resource Center’s CBVS Program is a preventative program that helps families stabilize and create a plan on how to grow in the future.
- This program takes 3-6 months to complete depending on the long term goals each family sets. Once again every family is different.
- First, we focus on the immediate needs of the family and what we can do right now.
- Next, we focus on the future and what long term goals we can support the family in achieving.

What Does The Process Look Like?
Each family is different. And different families come with different obstacles. We tackle those obstacles in a unique way based on what works best for the family. We are able to support each family with resources and solutions that fit their needs.
Truly a case-by-case basis!
After completion of the program, are families back on their own?
No! The last thing we want is for a family to end up where they started. When the 6 months are up, we still have resources that can be utilized by the families. Our goal is to get a family back on their feet and stay on their feet. We do that by either recommending another program we provide or recommend something outside our facilities. We will not leave a family to fend for themselves.
(Of course, these services are voluntary, so a family can opt out of them at any point, however we believe it takes a village so if a family wants the support, it’s there!)
Our 5 Step Process
DCYF does not have to open a case on a family and will refer them to FRC to make sure they won’t have to open a case in the future. Make a referral using this link.
We (FRC) steps in and have our own Family Engagement Specialist meets with the family and learns from them directly the depth of each obstacle the families are going through and how they best want to be supported. (Please note, this happens quick – ideally as soon as we get the referral – but absolutely within 72 hours of the referral we will have someone available to meet with the family.)
We assign a family support specialist to the family that is going to be with them every step of the way. They are also not DCYF, they are trained professionals from FRC. The family support specialist will help to stabilize the family first and foremost. This can be anything from helping with transportation, mental health, childcare, healthcare, etc.
For the next few months, the family support specialist will be with the family every step of the way. They will work with the family to create an action plan and within the action plan there will be long term goals. Those goals will be met with support and resources we have at FRC. This includes making sure the family has the support to continue growing on their own outside the program. Towards the end of the program, a transition will begin for the family to head towards completion of the program.
Successful completion of the program is our first goal but having a great platform for continual growth is our main goal. When a family has done the work needed to graduate from CBVS, their FRC worker will work closely with the family to identify the ongoing support programs needed so their family can remain safe, stable and thrive.
Make a CBVS Referral
Are you a DCYF employee looking to refer a family?
For more information on our CBVS Program please call us at 603-752-2511, text 603-723-6532 or email familysupport@frc123.org