HFA Pogram

Evidence-based home visiting program.

Every Family is Unique

Healthy Families America is a Nationally accredited evidence-based home visiting program. HFA strives to help build a strong foundation for safe and secure relationships between parents and children and providing opportunities for all children to reach their full potential. HFA is voluntary and is open to any parents prenatally or who have recently delivered. HFA partners families with a FSS who provide services tailored to the families’ specific needs.

Why HFA?

  • Parenting is hard and children don’t come with instruction manuals. 
  • Uses the Evidence-based curriculum Growing Great Kids 
  • Every child develops differently 
  • It takes healthy parents to raise a healthy child 
  • HFA is an evidence-based program designed to help reduce the rate of child abuse and neglect in homes. 
  • HFA helps develop skills to prevent child maltreatment 

What to Expect / What Services Look Like:

  • You can expect a highly skilled Family Support Specialist to contact you and be by your side for up to three years!
  • Your FSS will partner with you to develop a goal plan that is meaningful to you, and designed by you while celebrating your successes! HFA offers three years of service meaning you can set multiple goals.
  • Your FSS will provide developmental screenings for your child and talk about milestones
  • Your FSS will talk to you about what you want to learn while adding some fun activities to support bonding and attachment
  • Your FSS will connect you with community resources to ensure you are fully supported
  • Your FSS will be in your corner and will advocate for you!
  • Visits can be conducted anywhere convenient and comfortable for YOU (in your home, in one of our offices, in a community location, local medical office, etc.)


  • Any parent who is pregnant, or has given birth within 3 months is eligible to enroll.
  • Our services are completely FREE & Voluntary

Resource Links:

frc team healthy families america

HFA Events Highlights

Baby & Me

Baby & Me is a group held once a month in both Berlin & Littleton that focuses on supporting parent child attachment. During this group parents will work with their child to create a fun craft, project, or activity that supports the child's development. The group is openly offered to all families enrolled in the Healthy Families America program.


Healthy Families America promotes positive parenting through an evidence-based home visiting model. Families who successfully complete the program for up to three years will be celebrated with a certificate of completion, reviewing successes, and supporting families with a self-directed transition plan.

Community Baby Shower

The Healthy Families America team celebrates families every year, offering a free community baby shower. This is an event which is open to anyone in the community. Families will receive diapers, wipes, used clothing, resources, books, prizes and so much more. 2024 will be our 6th annual community baby shower!!